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German Expert Prof. Joachim Litz Takes up an Appointment as the Director of ZUS

来源 :       作者 :      时间 : 2017-06-13


Prof. Joachim Litz, the German expert, was appointed to be the director of the Chinese-German Cooperation Committee of ZUST. On the morning of June 8th, Professor Gong Jianli, ZUST Party Committee Secretary, met with Prof. Litz. On behalf of ZUST, Prof. Gong congratulated and thanked Prof. Litz for coming to work in ZUST, and hoped that he could continue to promote the cooperation and communication between ZUST and Germany. During the meeting, the two sides engaged in productive discussions about making full use of the Chinese-German Cooperation Committee, especially in promoting the Industry-University-Research Collaboration, increasing the standard of applied scientific research as well as strengthening applied teaching and building up of teaching staff.
At the employment ceremony, ZUST President Ye Gaoxiang issued the employment certificate to Prof. Litz. Gu Jianxin, the deputy director of Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Zhejiang provincial people’s government, and Shu Peidong, chief of Foreign Affairs Office of Department of Education of Zhejiang Province, were invited to attend the employment ceremony.
Recently, ZUST has specially set up the Chinese-German Cooperation Committee to promote the construction of internationalized school administration, promote the depth and width as well as develop the features and advantages of Chinese-German cooperation.
Doctor and Professor Joachim Litz is the former vice-president of Lϋbeck University of Applied Sciences and a permanent member of Zhejiang province and Schleswig-Holstein Relationship Promotion Committee. He has energetically promoted cooperation in higher education between China and Germany for many years. He also played an important role in the construction of the Chinese-German Institute of Applied Engineering among ZUST, Lϋbeck University of Applied Sciences and West Coast University of Applied Sciences in 2013. Prof. Joachin Litz also won the West Lake Friendship Award of Zhejiang province in 2015.