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Students of ZUST Win First Prize in the National Intelligent Car Race

来源 :       作者 :      时间 : 2016-09-19


In the National Finals of the 11th “NXP Cup" National University Students Intelligent Car Race, our team “Where Captain Teemo Is” (Kong Fanfan, Electrical Engineering and Automation Class 141, Mao Enwei and Ye Huanran, Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument Class 142) in Beacon Group, guided by teacher Sun Yongzhi and Yu Aihua won the first prize. Team "Black Glue Gun" (Chen Shiwei and Kong Lifeng, Automation Class 143, Chen Kang, Automation Class 131) in Camera Group, won the second prize. This is the best achievement of our school in such competitions of Class A. At the same time, our school also won the Sub-contest Organization and Contribution Award by successfully hosting selection match in Zhejiang area.
It has attracted nearly 500 colleges with around 2500 teams applying for the competition. After strict selection, 251 teams entered the National Finals.