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ZUST Held Opening Ceremony of the School of Marxism and the Zhejiang Provincial

来源 :       作者 :      时间 : 2016-11-09
On 27th October afternoon, ZUST held the opening Ceremony of the School of Marxism and the Zhejiang Provincial Research Base of the Systematic Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Deputy Secretary of CPC party and President, Ye Gaoxiang, Deputy Secretary of CPC party, Zhao Dongfu, Secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Zequan, CPC party committee members of ZUST and Director of the postgraduate administration department, Mao Jianwei, attended the ceremony.
According to ZUST’s decision, the Department of Social Sciences was renamed the School of Marxism. It is responsible for teaching and management of ideological and political theory courses for undergraduates and postgraduates, for major discipline construction of Marxist theory and for research of ideological and political theory teaching and scientific research on Marxist theory.
On behalf of ZUST leadership,President Ye Gaoxiang delivered a speech, warmly congratulating the establishment of the School of Marxism and Zhejiang Provincial Research Base of the Systematic Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. He stressed that the School of Marxism and the Research Base of ZUST need to advance to higher goals under the new situation and stated his expectation that all ideological and political teachers would make greater contributions to our university dream. He also put forward specific requirements for the newly-established School of Marxism and Research Base. Meanwhile, President Ye required that each functional department and every secondary school strongly support the work of the School of Marxism and the teaching and research of ideological and political teachers.
Prof. Zhao Dongfu introduced the establishment of the Research Base and School of Marxism and called for strengthened construction of the ideological and political team of ZUST.
Dr. Li Zequan made a speech entitled "The Truth of Marxism and Our Future".
The Dean of the School of Marxism and representatives of teachers and students, respectively made speeches.
Heads of relevant functional departments, some deans of secondary schools, all the teachers of the School of Marxism, representatives of relevant subject teachers and some students from the Youth Marxism Association, the Heshan Incorruptibility Association and the Seminar on the Systematic Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics took part in the opening ceremony.