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“Xiao Wutong” Revealing Style of ZUST

来源 :       作者 :      时间 : 2016-12-12
From November 12th to 18th, the 3rd World Internet Conference was held in Wuzhen. There were 50 “Xiao Wutong” from ZUST who participated in this conference and who earned good reputations after successfully accomplishing their voluntary work.
The training for voluntary work on behalf of the World Internet Conference began in May. 468 students of ZUST signed up as volunteers. After three rounds of interviews and training, 50 students successfully outstood to become the volunteers of this World Internet Conference.
According to the unified arrangement by the volunteer-service department, ZUST “Xiao Wutong” were assigned roles as the guides of Wucun, the village in Wuzhen as the visitor center, the international convention center and the guest station. During the conference, ZUST volunteers served a total of more than 2,800 people and dealt with more than 260 emergencies with a high degree of enthusiasm and full of the spirit of service.
Through their excellent service, ZUST “Xiao Wutong” have won praises from many guests at the conference.

Note: Xiao Wutong is the nickname for volunteers serving in Wuzhen this November.