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ZUST Listed in “ Zhejiang International Universities and Colleges”

来源 :       作者 :      时间 : 2016-07-01
Recently, it has been acknowledged by Zhejiang Provincial Education Department that ZUST has been listed in the construction units of “Zhejiang International Universities and Colleges”.
In recent years, echoing the mainstream trends of the times and striving for a high-class university with distinguished international features, ZUST, with strong support and serious attention of ZUST leaders and good coordination of functional departments and schools, has made remarkable achievements in international cooperation:Improving performance in the ranking of Zhejiang international universities. ZUST ranked 7th in 2012, 6th in 2013 and 4th in 2014. Enhanced cooperation with German universities. ZUST has had 69 cooperative education programs with 25 German institutes. The “2+3” Sino-German joint-education program has received widespread praise from the society. Moreover, the current enrollment of the Chinese-German Institute of Applied Engineering, the first non-independent Sino-German cooperative undergraduate-level institution in Zhejiang, is in a great position to succeed. Education for international students is developing rapidly in ZUST. In 2015, the total number of ZUST international students was 1768 (ranking 5th in Zhejiang province), among whom there were 1004 students working for degrees (ranking 4th in Zhejiang province).Sino-foreign education cooperation has also developed favorably with three undergraduate-level programs and one non-independent Sino-foreign cooperative undergraduate-level institution.ZUST faculty and staff have remarkably increased their international awareness, and the international communication and cooperation of ZUST and foreign universities has been further standardized, systemized and specialized.
Submitted by ZUST, this application for “Zhejiang International University” construction unit has been reviewed by the panel, publicized on the internet, and finally approved by the provincial education department. This success not only accelerates the process of ZUST’s internationalization, but also has a great impact on improving its international schooling comprehensively.