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“Blue Lotus”— ZUST Service Team of G20 Blossomed

来源 :       作者 :      时间 : 2016-09-16
On September 4th and 5th, the 2016 G20 summit was successfully held in Hangzhou. 203 students and 10 teachers who served as team leaders from ZUST engaged in voluntary service for G20, such as receiving the press, security, performance preparations and urban maintenance.
During the service period, provincial and municipal leaders, including Ge Huijun, Weng Weijun, Chen Hongying and Wang Hündin, paid a special visit to the ZUST volunteers. Before the convention of the Summit, ZUST Secretary of the CPC Party, Wang Jianhua, ZUST president Professor Ye Gaoxiang and ZUST Vice Secretary of the Party, Zhao Donghu, came to the volunteer station to entrust all ZUSTers to keep their responsibility in mind and do the best they can.
Stressful as the work was, ZUSTers were encouraged by foreign leaders such as Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, and Lenzi, Prime Minister of Italy, and had conversations with celebrities such as Jack Ma, Zong Qinghou, Wang Shi, Zhang Yimou and Bai Yansong. The Xinhua News Agency interviewed and reported Ding Wen as “the most hardworking Lotus”, who was a ZUST volunteer of the car-following team with registered foreign journalists. Media outlets like CCTV and ZJTV also had interviews with other ZUSTers. The Youth Zhejiang publicized a special coverage of 5 ZUSTers who served inside the main venue of G20. And, last but not least, the daily headlines of League Committee Column covered ZUSTers and wrote a multi-perspective and prolonged tracking article of considerable length!