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Mid-term Research Panel of Zhejiang Internationalized Universities Construction Visits ZUST

来源 :       作者 :      时间 : 2018-10-17

On October 10th, the mid-term research panel of Zhejiang Internationalized Universities Construction, led by Du Jian, the investigator from Foreign Affairs Office of Education Department in Zhejiang Province, visited ZUST. President Ye Gaoxiang and vice president Zheng Youqu attended the research symposium.

In the symposium, Professor Ye gave a warm welcome to the panel of experts. Professor Zheng Youqu introduced the history of ZUST, gave an account of our international work in detail and proposed the future work focus and development scheme.

The experts visited Chinese-German Cooperation Pavilion and granted full recognition to our efforts of constructing an internationalized university. Meanwhile, they also put forward valuable suggestions.

The relevant department heads and those of other schools attended the research conference as well.